Friday, December 23, 2011

A Sufi Triptych

I know there are many beautiful tributes to these poets online already, but you really can’t get enough ...

Kabir (translation by Sushil Rao)

hiding in this cage
of visible matter

is the invisible

pay attention
to her

she is singing
your song

Hiding in This Cage


... God has created
your wings not to be dormant
as long as you are alive
you must try more and more
to use your wings ...

from the poem Seeking the Source

… Let's offer flowers, pour a cup of libation,
split open the skies and start anew on creation ...

from the poem A New World 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Those 32 Days Have Come and Gone

How are changes tied to our sense of time? Does it take a certain number of days or tries to integrate a new habit? What about the notion that change can be instantaneous?  Do new habits require a change in perspective? I am relearning gratitude (AWAREness) over and over . . .

Giovanna degli Albizzi Receiving a Gift of Flowers from Venus